Research Centers


Knowledge of the Center for Investigation of Influential Social Factors in Salamat and its history: Center for Investigation of Influential Social Factors in Salamat Danshkedeh of the same new sciences on the date of 11/17/1395. This is the center of a timely period of influential social factors that bring about the safety of society and the improvement of the safety and effectiveness of individuals. This is a major issue of religion and opinion Here is the command to create a public share and a timer. In the constitution, this decision must be made.

Andaz: There is no need for a center for investigations of influential social factors in the health and safety of social sciences.

Mission: The mission of a center for investigations of influential social factors in the field of religious and social sciences and procedures and its expansion and the generation of knowledge in the designation of this social system I want it to be widened and widened.

Overall goals: 1. Expand and expand the human resources in the possession of “Social Factors Influencing Your Safety” 2. Influential social factors in the field of epidemiology and politics in the direction of reforming the system of opinion services in Behdashti Darmani, with a perspective of the answer. This is an Islamic university 3. Uri plural 4. Organization and class of the chain of narrations, linked articles and concepts, and their spread at the same time. 4. An investigative humanistic Norwegian upbringing in the possession of social factors that influence safety. 5. Encouragement, excitement, and recruitment of others to investigators. And my procedures Linked to the inside of Kashur 7. Barqarari is a permanent and effective relationship with Sazman Ha and Nihad Hai is linked to Shahrastan.

8. Scientific research in the centers of investigation and research in other countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran